Forum Update & New Members

First of all, Welcome to our family:


-Hope you guys have fun in the clan.

Now, guys the Forum its on The Left side of this page, below the picture of the girl wearing a t-shirt of The Pancho'S. Just click on the image that says: "The -Clan- Forum" and you are done no math there, c'mon. Finally you need to create an account, use the PSN ID, next its going to ask you to send me an authorization msg and i would accept you. That's it.


El Foro esta a la izquierda de su pantalla, debajo de la imagen de la hermosa chica vistiendo una polera de The Pancho'S. Solo haganle click a la imagen que dice: "The -Clan- Forum" y listo no necesitan matematicas para eso. Finalmente necesitan crear una cuenta, usen la que utilizan en el PS3, despues les pedira que me envien una autorizacion y yo los aceptare. Y Listo.

There is a lot of content on the forum in this moment, there's an update on plane tips,Tank Tricks, Squad commands, and i designed the first team called (Alpha Team Squad), in the next days im going to create another Squad, so patience. 
Also, ive posted an strategy, What is this? 
We are going to play the Squad matches following the Strategy, so please check that out.

That's all for now, dont forget to msg me if you need help.

Clan New´S *Important*

Hello again guys this is ThePunisherOfYou with the lastest news (Lmao, Ritc), the first thing would be to announce you that I have managed to create a forum and a Live-Chat, (these 2 new features are posted to the left side of your screen), According to the forum, you need to create an account, Try to create your account with your PSN ID, after creating the account, message me, so I can authorize you in the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see anything of what we write there, for the time being there is no content, We all have to share and create new post's on the forum.
The "use" of the chat is very simple, (please dont write insults or weird things. Yes, BeBoLaNdYa & DARK_ANGEL_DROID, im talking about you guys), but if you guys have some doubts about it, please let me know.

Finally im going to announce our newest clan members:

TIZBALL      RevolutionaryOne      DeEp__HeAt       FUBUKI-AKIRA

KiLLeR__HeAt     Volpi_Duke          mikevsself         Killer___God

These are the brand new recruits, welcome to our clan & family(cheesy alert*)
In a few days im going to post the complete list of "The Pancho'S Clan", so register
in the forum, we are going to post some interest stuff there & its going to be private
Just for the clan members, another thing if I or any of the clan members invite you
to the PSN Chat, its to share some information, so join the god damn chat.

One Last thing (but not less important) I know that some of you guys have some EVL, 82nd & Zipote Clan, friends, but if you see a Pancho on the other team, join him, i dont wanna see Panchos vs Panchos, unless we program an Internal Practice match, this is very important because even doh you dont believe it, playing against someone of our own clan, (all of you, are very good players), we are going to create certain enemies inside the clan and i cannot allow that, i know that something like that happened a few days ago, but i hope that its going to be the last time, ´cause we are a clan after all.

Thats all for now, C yall on da Battlefield1943.

How to Comment (omg)

Well im going to post some pictures about how to comment on the blog, its not that hard, you guys were asking for this, so here it goes:

First: Click on the Comments: (0) number

Second: Comment & Select Name/Url

Third: Your PSN ID & The Web Url

Fourth: Comment (More easy than kicking EVL's A***)

PanchoS Clan News 2

Hello again guys, like I mentioned in a previous post, I am going to do the list of the members of the clan, as you can see, if you click in your names or accounts, It will link you directly to the page of Battlefield1943, exactly on your profile, so you can check your positions, your K/D ratio, your lost life, etc. By the way there is not an specific order, so if your name does not appear until the end of the list dont hate me lol, because i did it randomly, except the 2 first ones. Next up, I will mention some points that we have to do further on and that are necessary for the sake of the clan:
  1. Create a primary, secondary and tertiary teams if necessary, since all the members arent going to be at the time of a battle between clans and I need to have the teams armed to create an strategy with the members who are present in that moment.
  2. Create an official Web page, so that way you can comment about the clan in forums where only the members of the clan have access ,  so you can give some advices, tricks, videos and share your battlefield moments.
  3. Make a few video-tutorials about some skills, tricks, exact spawning points, Air Dogfight, and some comments that you may found interesting, i know that almost everyone in the list are top elite players but theres a lot to learn yet.
  4. Create specific strategies for every clan, it is necessary since every clan plays in an specific way, some of them plays in a clean and decent way whereas others are very dirty, this way we will be able to resist everything what the enemy has us prepared.
  5. I am going to designate the exact positions of each of the members of the clan, so that way, in the moment of the battle each one knows what to do, so we dont have to be running to grab the plane or the tank.
  6. Im going to list the guys that already created a Pancho account, so create your account, its free lol, and its only for clan matches.
There are other things that I will be placing further on, so be sure to check this Web page always, since im going to post news almost everyday. With that sayed, im going to give you the list of slaves:

GumGumLuffy (Founder)
ThePunisherOfYou (Co-Founder)

We have powerful allies too, so im going to name a few:


Thanks to all of you and i will see you on the battlefield, The Pancho'S will rule the world!

PanchoS Clan News

Lets try with this one, its more simple and more colorful than the other one lol,
We have some new slaves, i mean recruits in the clan, they are: llapushi, Inir2, Weatherballs & DividedSky.
We have their positions decided already, in this order: Ground, Pilot, Tanker & Pilot.                  
Im going to make some videos for the pilots only; with skills & tricks i know so you guys can improove your flying skills This is going to be our news page, we are going to create a new WebPage with didochili or anyone that knows how to create one.

How many Panchos do we have?
-We are 20+, im going to make a list later on.
Do we have to create another account with The_Pancho?
-Its not necesary, but 4 clan matches we would like to have you with that account.
Are we all mexicans?
-Hell no, we are from several different countrys, including japan.

For those who are asking What the hell is Juggernaut or Kríshna.

It means "unrestrained force that in his advance squashes or destroys everything what intervenes in his way"
The word is derived from the Sanskrit जगन्नाथ Jagannātha (meaning "Lord of the Universe") which is one of the many names of Krishna from the ancient Vedic scriptures of India. One of the most famous of Indian temples is the Jagannath Temple in Puri, Orissa, which has the Ratha Yatra ("chariot procession"), an annual procession of chariots carrying the murtis (statues) of Jagannâth (Krishna), Subhadra and Balabhadra (Krishna's elder brother). A popular 14th-century work The Travels of Sir John Mandeville apocryphally.

Im looking forward to play with you guys and kick some ***** lol.
Til´ next time.