and decent clan, i want to thank you guys for your support during
the match, i know that a lot of you wanted to be part of the whole
battle, but we can only have 12 vs 12 (sadly) on the room.
I want to thanks also the GOD or (DOG)? clan for
playing with us, it was hard to arrange a battle with them
but we made it, and what a great team they are, great with
rifles, planes, in general great all around players, dont worry
guys at GOD, the rematch is coming soon.
Now a quick summary of the battle:
First Round:
It started like this, 12 thirsty for blood panchos against 9 GOD
members, it wasnt fair at all, they coldnt get more GOD members
on the private room, dont know why, but it dosent matter, we were
more panchos, so ive decided to leave the match, then The_Pancho_Pushi
decided to leave the battle too, so it was 10 panchos vs 9 GOD's.
I was with heph & volpi squad, i remember that i one base, i didnt grab
a plane (hate ya BALLS) haha jk, so i respawned with duke, we had a tank in front of us
in 1 second we annihilated the tank, it was frikin amazing.
We won this match way to fast.
Second Round:
At this point The_Pancho_Gum decided to leave the match also, now the
thing were even 9 vs 9, we still won this round, not as easy as the first 1 but
we had a top nutch line up on our side.
3, 4, 5, 6 Round's:
Same thing i wasnt part of the battle, but The Pancho's superiority was obvious.
7th Round:
Finally i join the match, we were 6 panchos this time against 8 GOD's, i dont know
how, but we won this round too, got 29 kills, 2 deaths, amazing round 4 us
amazing come back. (in this particular round ive made my best shoot ever with
the plane, dont know how to explain it, gonna try to it with a video or something
because it was so good, even the guy i killed with this shoot send me a msg, telling me
Final Round:
They Kicked our ****s hahaha, but we give them so much trouble
6 vs 8, im proud of my clan.
Rounds: 8.
Final Score: The Pancho'S | 7 |
GOD | 1 |
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